27th to 31th
of Interaction

In 2012, the HCI Brazilian community held the GranDIHC-BR Panel for prospecting Grand Research Challenges in HCI in Brazil for the next ten years (2012-2022). It extended the reach of the Challenge #4 "Universal and Participatory Access of Brazilian Citizens to Knowledge" proposed by the Brazilian Computer Society in 2006.

As a result of the joint effort of all participants, 5 Grand Challenges were identified and published in the Technical Report available on the CE-IHC (link coming soon) website :

• Future, Smart Cities and Sustainability
• Accessibility and Digital Inclusion
• Ubiquity, Multiple Devices and Tangibility
• Human Values
• Education in HCI and Marketo

Aiming to foster discussions and promote the advancement of research in the context of the Grand Challenges, IHC 2014 is supporting the continuity of the initiative by proposing a new Position Papers category. It aims at publishing informed discussions, new ideas, critical positions and evidence in support of various arguments in the context of the 5 Grand Challenges of Research in HCI in Brazil (2012-2022) listed above.

Submissions should contain original contribution that has not been published anywhere and is not submitted for review to any other conference/ publication.

Submissions must be anonymous and up to four pages length (including figures, tables, diagrams, references and appendices). Papers can be written in either Portuguese or English and should follow ACM SIGCHI model (ACM SIGCHI). Authors should submit their works electronically through the EasyChair system (ACM SIGCHI) .Authors must submit their papers electronically in PDF, in the EasyChair system (IHC2014) in PDF format.

Review Process:

Submissions will be reviewed by at least three researchers in the field. Selected papers will be published in the Proceedings of the XIII Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC 2014).


One of the authors must register to the conference for presenting the paper in a technical session on the Grand Challenges. The dynamics and the estimated time for papers� presentations and discussions will be announced soon.

• Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza (PUC-Rio) -
• M. Cecília C. Baranauskas (UNICAMP) -
• Roberto Pereira (UNICAMP) -
Important Dates:
• Submission Deadline: 30/06/2014 14/07/2014 27/07/2014
• Notification of results: 18/07/2014 01/08/2014 16/08/2014
• Submission of the final version: 28/07/2014 11/08/2014 26/08/2014

(21/08) Approved Papers WTDIHC. More!

(19/08) Approved Positions Papers. More!

(19/08) Approved Posters and Demonstrations. More!

(18/08) Approved short papers. More!

(14/08) Keynote Speakers. Saiba mais!

(14/08) Approved short courses. More!

(14/07) The submission deadlines has been extended.

(14/07) Approved Full Papers. More!

(21/05) The submission deadlines has been extended.

(21/05) Approved workshops. More!

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